Co-optrade catalyzes success for impactful endeavors

Entrepreneurial Technology means

The use of technology in an innovative and enterprising way to create new business opportunities and value. This can include developing new products or services, improving processes, or creating new business models.


Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, decentralized system blockchain, quantum, or the Internet of Things, to create innovative solutions to existing problems or to create new markets.


Number One USA entrepreneurial technology company in the world with leading technical expertise, a deep understanding of market needs and the ability to effectively commercialize new ideas.


The premier launchpad for tier-1 ventures in the USA, Our products, services, and subsidiaries will provide unique opportunities for organizations across the industry spectrum to scale and enhance their operations to cater to the needs of an ever-changing marketplace

Meet our team

Seasoned experts committed to your success.

Tom Schenck
Melandrew Santos

Meet our advisors

Visionary minds with a track record of success.

Jerry Larson
Patrick Finn
Steven Morley
Steven Morley
Steven Morley

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